Player Permit Regulations

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A team in the V&DABA may borrow one or two registered V&DABA players from one of the other teams if they are short players (less than 5 for U13, 15, U18 or less than 4 for U11) and facing a default/forfeiture providing the following conditions are abided by:

  1. A coach wishing to borrow a player must request permission from the other coach.  If the coach of the player being borrowed agrees to the request, then he/she must contact the player(s) requested to determine if the player(s) is/are willing to play for the other team.
  2. The game in which the borrowed player will play must be a regular season game (i.e. not a playoff game).
  3. A maximum of 2 borrowed players can be used in any one game.
  4. The borrowed player(s) must be identified on the score sheet and the coach must notify the Gym Supervisor prior to the start of the game that the team has picked up a player.
    1. For example:  John Doe (borrowed player)
  5. A player being borrowed must be in the same age category or younger than the team borrowing the player.
  6. A player being borrowed must be of the same gender as the team borrowing the player.
  7. The player being borrowed must be in the same or lower division as the team requesting the player if the player is in the same age category (e.g. a U13 boys team in the “B” division can only borrow a player from another U13 boys team in their organization in the “B” division or lower).
  8. A player being borrowed from a lower age category must remain with the higher age division after the 3rd game is played as per rule 2.19    
    1. 2.19 Players may play in a higher age division but after three games, that player must
      remain in that higher division for the remainder of the season of play.
  9. Any player within the same age category may only be borrowed by another team to a maximum of 2 times.
  10. The result of the game will be entered as a default or a forfeiture depending on the following circumstances:
    1. Default – If a team shows up at the gym and does not have enough players to start the game, this will count as a default. They can then pick up a player or two from another team and play the game as a loss. If a team has more than two defaults, this will be brought to the V&DABA Board of Directors and will be considered as ‘at risk’ to no longer be scheduled.  If the team is suspended from any further play as a result, their team registration fee will not be refunded.

Forfeit – If a team knows in advance they will not be able to field a team of 5 (minimum) and advises the V&DABA Scheduler at least 24 hours in advance, they can forfeit the game, accept the loss, borrow a registered player or two from another team as per the guidelines above, and play the game. If the game is played, this will not count against the team as a Default. The coach must advise the Gym Supervisor what is happening before the game begins.