Victoria and District Amateur Basketball Association League Rules and Regulations
The V&DABA promotes the game of basketball in the community by encouraging team
play and good sportsmanship in a safe and respectful environment.
1.1 The annual registration fee for teams shall be set by the Board of Directors prior to
the September Annual Meeting.
1.2 Team registration shall take place as soon after the September Annual Meeting as
is practicable.
1.3 To be eligible for registration, each U13, U15 and U18 team must have a minimum
of eight (8) registered players and must accept a minimum of 2 additional players if
requested by the Directors. U11 teams must have a minimum of six (6) registered
players and must accept a minimum of 2 additional players, up to a maximum of
eight (8), if requested by the Directors.
1.4 No player will be eligible to play a league game until all documentation is complete
and on file with the Registrar (including completed Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct).
Upon request, a coach or area representative must be able to provide the league with proof of a player’s age.
1.5 November 15th is the final date of registration and/or transfer of a player (without
approval of the Executive Administrator).
1.6 Use of overage, unregistered or suspended players will result in a team loss. Such
conduct will be reviewed by the Disciplinary Committee and may be the subject of
such further sanction as the Disciplinary Committee sees fit.
1.7 Age Limits
U-11: under 11 years of age on December 31st of the current registration year
U-13: under 13 years of age on December 31st of the current registration year
U-15: under 15 years of age on December 31st of the current registration year
U-18: under 18 years of age on December 31st of the current registration year
1.8 By participating, Players, Coaches, Spectators and Parents agree to abide by the
V&DABA Code of Conduct. Anyone wishing to inform the Disciplinary Committee
of an infraction must do so in writing. Please address the letter to the V&DABA
Disciplinary Committee and serve the letter by delivering a copy to a Gym
Supervisor or the Executive Administrator. Please keep a copy for your records. You
will be notified of the date of hearing if one is to occur or the resolution of the
matter if it is the opinion of the Disciplinary Committee that a hearing is not
2.1 All games under the jurisdiction of the Association shall be played on floors
approved by the Directors.
2.2 A team must be ready to play at the time and place scheduled under penalty of
default. Beyond a 10 minute grace period granted by the Referee or Gym
Supervisor, no postponement of a league or playoff game shall be granted. After
defaulting, and with the consent of the Referee and the Opposing Team, a team
may proceed to play a friendly/exhibition game by adding one or more Players
registered the league.
2.3 Coaches, Parents and Players are not to enter any game-designated gymnasium
without a V&DABA Gym Supervisor in attendance.
2.4 The players’ full name (first name and last name) and number are to be entered on
the score sheet prior to game time. Falsification of names is an automatic breach
of the Code of Conduct. The head and assistant coaches’ names must also be
written on the sheet before the start of the game. If the head coach should be
ejected and the assistant is not on the sheet, that team shall forfeit. The assistant
may not be a parent in the stands or a player and if they are in the building, they
must be seated on the bench.
2.5 Each team will be responsible for providing one table official for each game,
except during the final week of playoffs when operational staff will assume these roles
to ensure impartiality and avoid issues.
2.6 Basketball sizes shall be as follows:
Number 5: U-11 girls and boys
Number 6: U-13 girls and boys, U-15 girls, U-18 girls
Number 7: U-15 boys and U-18 boys
2.7 All uniform tops must be of the same colour with numbers front and back. T-shirts,
if worn under the top, must all be white. Compression wear on the upper torso must be white.
Tops must be tucked into the shorts unless manufactured to be worn outside the shorts.
All shorts must be of the same colour but not necessarily the colour of the top or black.
Compression wear worn on the lower body must be black.
2.8 No jewellery may be worn in any game. Taping over jewellery is not allowed. This
policy will be strictly enforced.
2.9 All games in all divisions shall have referees assigned by the VBOA if available; otherwise
coaches must step in and referee the game.
2.10 All referees WILL introduce themselves to the coaches before the game and all
coaches WILL acknowledge referees before the game.
2.11 Each eligible player must play a reasonable time in each half.
2.12 All teams WILL shake hands after game completion.
2.13 Division Placement: Teams will be placed in their age appropriate division.
A division scheduler may move a team to another division in order to ensure
competitive play. A coach will be given notice of this decision but the coach’s
consent is not required. Any move must be approved by the head scheduler and
the decision of the head scheduler is final.
2.14 Standings in league play shall determine placement for playoffs.
2.15 Playoff format will be established by the Schedulers and approved by the
Executive Administrator.
2.16 A team will be eliminated from further play if it has defaulted three games (no
refund on fees) subject to review of the Disciplinary Committee.
2.17 Referees enforce the rules of competition on the Court during the game. The
V&DABA staff enforces its rules in all other areas including entrances, exits,
hallways, dressing rooms, etc. and before and after the game. To this end, the
Game Director, Gym Supervisor and the Executive Administrator have the right to
issue an immediate
ejection and one game suspension to any coach, player, team or spectator for a
perceived violation of these rules or the Code of Conduct and/or for wilful damage
or loss of V&DABA or school board properties. There is no appeal from this
suspension and an incident report will be filed for further possible action by the
Disciplinary Committee. This suspension will ordinarily be served at the next
scheduled game. A player may be advised that he or she must be present and in
uniform in order for the game suspension to be fulfilled.
2.18 Players are not permitted to play in a lower age division under any circumstances
(unless the child has a documented pervasive developmental disorder and is approved
to do so by the Board of Directors).
2.19 Players may play in a higher age division but after three games, that player must
remain in that higher division for the remainder of the season of play.
2.20 Players are not permitted to play for more than one team in a season of play
regardless of age division after October 31st of the current playing season.
2.21 If a team wants to move up a division, then they must do so at the written request
of the coach, with unanimous written parental consent, by November 15 and, with
approval of the Board, the request may be granted. Once a team has moved up, they
cannot move back down.
2.22 Teams may pick up to two players from the same age category and level (or lower) if by
game time they have less than 5 players available (or less than 4 players in U-11).
Additional conditions are outlined on the permit under the “Policies” tab.
2.23 Teams cannot pickup any players during playoffs.
3.1 All games shall be played according to the Official Basketball Rules of the
International Basketball Federation (FIBA), which provide more explicit detail than
this document. Please see
baskOffiRule.html Exceptions are included in this document and are instituted
where necessary to facilitate an appropriate recreational experience for all.
3.2 Teams will shoot at the basket furthest from their player bench to start the game.
3.3 Game length – all games, except for U-11, shall consist of two 13-minutes halves,
broken by a 2-minute half time. League games tied at the end of regulation time
will be recorded as ties. Overtime periods, if necessary for playoff games, shall be
3 minutes in length.
3.4 The Gym Supervisor may request that the timer change from “stop time”
to “running time” for any games running late. However, the final 2 minutes of play
will be “stop time”. No time-outs are permitted during the running time.
3.5 Each game starts with a jump ball. Players cannot move into the circle until the
ball is tapped. After the jump ball to start the game, the alternating possession
arrow will be used.
3.6 On courts where a 3 point line exists, the three point shot will be in effect for both
league and playoff games. If there is no 3 point line, there will be no three point shots in effect.
3.7 The sides and the top of the backboard are in play.
3.8 Falling down with the ball is not travelling. Attempting to stand up with the ball is
considered travelling. If you fall to one knee, or receive the ball with one knee on
the floor, you are not permitted to stand up – if you do stand up, you are deemed to
have travelled.
3.9 Over and back rule – the ball is over centre when the ball touches the floor or a
player in the front court. A dribbler is considered to be in the front court when both
feet and the ball have touched the front court. Once all 3 points (2 feet and the ball)
have crossed the line, the ball must stay in the front court. Front court throw-ins
must only be inbounded into the front court.
3.10 When the defence blocks a shot without the ball leaving the shooter’s hands,
forcing the shooter to return to the floor with the ball, this is a jump ball.
3.11 The 3 second count is only in effect when the ball is in the front court. The
5 second closely-guarded count applies on the entire court. The 8-second
backcourt count continues (i.e. does not renew) if there is a violation while the ball
is in the back court and the offense retains possession.
3.12 In the last 2 minutes of the game, the clock stops after a made basket and runs
again when the ball is inbounded.
3.13 Team fouls penalty – two bonus free throws will be awarded on the eighth (and
subsequent) team foul of the half.
3.14 Personal fouls committed by the team in control of the ball will not result in free
throws. If a teammate of the player in control of the ball commits a foul that would
previously have resulted in a penalty of two free throws as a result of 8 fouls in the
half, the ball will be awarded to the defensive team and play will resume from the
out of bounds point closest to the foul.
3.15 On foul shots, there can be a maximum of 5 players lined up along the lane;
2 offensive players and 3 defensive players. The two bottom spaces must be vacant.
The next two spaces will be occupied by the defense. The offense is entitled to the
next two spaces, and the defense is entitled to one of the top spaces. All other players
must line up behind the 3-point line and the free throw line extended. Players have 5
seconds to shoot a free throw.
3.16 On a foul shot, only lane violations (i.e. going into the lane too soon) by the
shooter will nullify a made foul shot. On missed free throws, violations by
defensive players on the lane will entitle the shooter to another free throw;
violations by offensive players on the lane during the second of two free throws will
entitle the defense to a throw in from the side (foul line extended). Players lined up
along the lane may enter the lane as soon as the ball leaves the shooter’s hands.
The shooter and all other players must wait until the ball hits the rim.
3.17 Substitutions will not be allowed between multiple free throws. Substitutions will
be permitted before the first and after the last free throw provided it is successful.
3.18 Technical fouls for unsportsmanlike conduct by a player will result in 1 foul shot
and possession of the ball will be returned to the point of interruption. These fouls count
towards the player and team totals. A technical foul on the coach or a substitute does
not count toward the team foul total. A player sitting on the bench can be assessed a
technical foul and it will count toward the coach’s total.
3.19 In accordance with FIBA rules, “persons who are guilty of flagrant acts of
aggression against opponents or officials shall be disqualified”, i.e., ejected from
the game by the Referee. There is no appeal of an ejection under this section.
3.20 Two technical fouls committed by an individual (including a coach) will also result
in an automatic ejection from the game by the Referee. There is no appeal from
an ejection under this section.
3.21 Ejections may result in further disciplinary action and must be recorded as soon
as possible after the end of the game by the Referees and the Game Director, Gym Supervisor
or Executive Administrator on an incident report form. It is the responsibility of the
Game Director, Gym Supervisor or Executive Administrator to notify the Disciplinary Committee of this
3.22 Flagrant fouls and ejections may result in further disciplinary action by the
Disciplinary Committee upon full review of the incident. Any technical foul received by a coach
will result in an automatic one-game suspension (minimum) to be served at the next scheduled
game for that team.
3.23 At the discretion of the Executive Administrator, any ejections may result in a further
one full game suspension. This suspension will ordinarily be served at the next
scheduled game. A player may be advised that he or she must be present and in
uniform in order for the game suspension to be fulfilled. There is no appeal of the
suspension awarded by the Executive Administrator under this section.
3.24 Substitutions will be allowed on all whistles. In the last 2 minutes of the game, a
team that has been scored upon may make a substitution and/or call a time out.
3.25 Only the head coach may call a time out and that time out must be requested through the score table.
Time outs may not be called by players on the floor.
The head coach may call a time out during a dead ball situation. Each team shall
be entitled to two 60-second time outs per half, and one 60-second time out per
overtime period. Unused timeouts shall not carry over between halves or into
overtimes. Teams may not “buy” additional time outs at the expense of a technical
3.26 During the last 2 minutes of the game, when the ball is to be inbounded in the
back court after a timeout taken by the team entitled to the throw in, the throw-in can
be taken in the front court if the coach chooses to at the end of the time out at approximately
the 3 point line extended (it is the coach’s choice).
3.27 Full court press:
A full court press is legal in the U-13 A/B Boys and Girls Divisions.
A full court press is legal in U-15 A/B and U-18 Boys Divisions.
A full court press is legal in U-15 A (and B if more than 2 divisions) and U-18 Girls Divisions.
In divisions where a full court press is not legal, the opposing team’s players must retreat behind
the center line once a defensive player gains control of the ball. A full court press must be player to player only.
The defensive team can only have as many players in the back court as the offensive team.
Note: A full court zone press is not permitted at any level.
3.28 When the score differential is more than 15 points, no full court press is permitted.
3.29 Violations of the full court press or half-court defense rules should be reported on
the incident report form and may result in subsequent action by the Disciplinary
3.30 Double Teaming and Zone Defense
The following rule applies to:
• U-13 age category (Boys and Girls), where there is more than two divisions (eg. A/B/C/D), it applies to both "A" & "B" divisions
• U-13 age category (Boys and Girls), where there are only two divisions (A&B), it applies to the "A" division only
• U-15 age category (Boys and Girls), where there is more than two divisions (eg. A/B/C/D), it applies to both "A" & "B" divisions
• U-15 age category (Boys and Girls), where there are only two divisions (A&B), it applies to the "A" division only
If you are less than 20 points ahead, once the ball crosses half court, the defensive team can randomly double team; this cannot be a planned defensive team strategy but will be allowed to happen by individual players under certain random circumstances. The player must always be aware of where their check is; the player cannot play zone, but he/she can leave his/her check and play “help” defence. Once a team reaches 15 points ahead, players can no longer full-court press (note: U13 age category in any division is not allowed to press). Once a team reaches 20 points ahead, a player can no longer double team opponents and the mercy rule is in effect. A player may leave their check momentarily to help out on a clear breakaway, but once his/her teammate is back in position, he/she must return to his/her check.
Coaches are expected to coach in "GOOD FAITH" and make their players follow the Night League rules. If players are not following these rules, coaches are expected to remove them from the game and correct the infractions.
These infractions will be interpreted and identified by the Game Directors and/or in conjunction with the referees. Argument or disagreement with the Game Director will not be tolerated. Correction of the situation is expected to be immediate. Game Directors may stop the game at any time to correct these infractions.
If there are infractions identified, the following will be implemented:
1. The Game Director will instruct the coach to substitute the offending player from the game immediately, instruct the player as to what he is doing wrong, and correct the infraction.
2. If the player returns to the game and continues to commit the infractions, the Game Director will instruct the Coach to remove the player for the remainder of the game.
3. If the Coach refuses to cooperate with the Game Director, the game will be stopped and the Coach will be removed from the gym. The Assistant Coach will assume the Coach's role at that point.
3.31 Stalling Rule
As you are aware, in Night League we do not have 30 second clocks. For most games, stalling is not an issue; however in close games it could come in to play. Please review the following rules and abide by them, especially in the upcoming playoffs. Coaches must coach in “Good Faith”, and although it may be tempting to do whatever you can to win, stalling is not an acceptable strategy.
Stalling Rules in a close game (under 10 points):
This rule applies for the first 25 minutes of the game and in overtime (games are 26 minutes long).
Coaches should not instruct their players to slow the game down by encouraging them to not shoot the ball.
Teams can run their offense, but if they have the opportunity to shoot the ball, they should do so.
If your team or a player is stalling on their own, the coach should instruct his team to go to the hoop and shoot the ball.
If the Game Director feels a team is stalling, he/she may stop the game and instruct the offensive team to shoot the ball.
3.32 Mercy Rule
This good sportsmanship rule comes into effect and should be enforced by the coach during a game when his/her team is winning by a large margin (i.e. 20 points or more).
It is the coach’s responsibility to recognize his/her team is so far ahead, they will probably win and respond accordingly. If you are the coach and you find yourself in this position, (your team is up 20 points or greater) it is your responsibility to instruct your players on certain strategies to “take it easy” on the opposing team. You may want to call a time out to do this. It is not acceptable to simply say you have told your team but they are not following your instructions; if players do not comply, they should be substituted.
Fair play and sportsmanship are an important part of the Night League philosophy! The coach must take ownership for his/her team. We understand you and your team want to win, however it is not important to win by a large margin and demoralize the other team by “running up” the score.
These strategies may include, but are not limited to:
Picking up the other team at your foul line rather than meeting them at center.
No fast break baskets
Passing the ball 3-5 times before you shoot the ball
No loud cheering or mocking if your team is ahead by a large margin (i.e. do not rub it in)
No pressing in U15
No double-teaming or trapping in U15 A and B divisions
Addressing any issues regarding the application of the mercy rule to the Game Director (e.g. the losing coach should not engage
the other coach in a discussion)
4.1 Teams shall play with 4 players a side.
4.2 The two 15 minute halves shall be divided into 3 minute (stop time) periods. The
score table will keep track of 3-minute periods.
4.3 At the end of each 3 minute period a complete line change will occur.
4.4 No substitutions are permitted during the 3 minute periods except for injury.
4.5 Teams with less than 8 players may keep a player or players on the floor, however,
no player may play more than 2 shifts in a row.
4.6 Coaches must have the next 4 players ready to go on the floor immediately after
the buzzer goes at the end of the 3 minute period.
4.7 At the beginning of each period, players are to line up at the center line to identify
checks quickly.
4.8 Player to player defense only.
4.9 No double teaming is permitted.
4.10 If a player loses his/her check a teammate may check that player if that player is
in the lane and has possession of the ball.
4.11 Screening is not allowed.
4.12 Scoring will be kept at the table on the score sheets only. No scoreboard will be
used. No one is to go to the table and ask the score during the game. We are
trying to de-emphasize winning or losing.
4.13 Scorers will advise a coach if a player has 3 or more fouls.
4.14 Coaches have a little more freedom to walk about and give instructions to their
4.15 Individual players who have played in the V&D before may decide to move up
to the Under 13 Division if they wish. Once the decision has been made and the
player has played, he/she cannot then move down.
4.16 Free throw line – U-11 groups may use the modified free throw line (13 ft.) to
shoot free throws.
5.1 With the exception of sections 2.17 and 3.23, the Board of Directors has delegated
the authority for disciplinary action to the Disciplinary Committee. At its sole
discretion, the Disciplinary Committee may impose any of the following:
· Demand for a written or verbal apology;
· Suspensions for any number of games, including games in the next
season if appropriate; suspension may include banning players, coaches,
teams, parents and spectators from playing, coaching, or attending
· Forfeiture or default of one or more games already played;
· Conditions or warnings.
5.2 There is no appeal of decisions made by the Disciplinary Committee. The
decisions of the Disciplinary Committee are final.
5.3 The Disciplinary Committee will make reasonable efforts to conduct its reviews and
issue decisions promptly. If deemed necessary, the Disciplinary Committee Chair
or Board President may issue a temporary suspension until the Disciplinary
Committee has completed its review.
5.4 There shall be no refund of any moneys paid by any coach, team, or player as a
result of the action taken by the Disciplinary Committee.
1. The V&DABA Disciplinary Committee consists of three regular members (including
one selected as Chair) and two alternate members. The alternates serve when
one or more regular members are not available or recuse themselves for conflict of
interest. Committee members must be Directors or Operational Staff members of the league
and are appointed by the Board of Directors in September of each year.
2. The role of the Disciplinary Committee is to review incidents or violations of the
V&DABA Rules and Regulations or Code of Conduct that are referred to the
Committee and to determine whether further disciplinary action needs to be taken.
Ejections and one-game suspensions handed out according to V&DABA rules may
not be appealed to the Disciplinary Committee.
3. The Disciplinary Committee may conduct its reviews in person, by telephone, or by
electronic communications and accept input in writing or by any of those means.
4. The Disciplinary Committee must take reasonable efforts to collect pertinent
information from the involved player(s), parent(s), coach(es), referee(s), Gym
Supervisor and Executive Administrator, as applicable. Those subject to possible
disciplinary action should be alerted to the fact that the Disciplinary Committee is
reviewing an incident and should have the opportunity to provide input to the
5. Disciplinary Committee members must recuse themselves from reviewing a case if
they are the area representative, parent, or coach of a player or team involved in
the case under review or have any other conflict of interest.
6. The Executive Administrator acts a resource to the Disciplinary Committee.
7. The Disciplinary Committee will make reasonable efforts to conduct its reviews and
issue decisions promptly. If deemed necessary, the Disciplinary Committee Chair
or Board President may issue a temporary suspension until the Disciplinary
Committee has completed its review.
8. The Disciplinary Committee will keep records of actions taken and submit regular
reports to the Board of Directors.